Preprocessing : phyloseq


Fabrice Armougom, MIO

Marc Garel, MIO

Nicolas Henry, ABiMS


September 1, 2023

1 Prepare workspace

Load phyloseq


We import the ASV table, the taxonomic assignment results and the sequences from the text files we exported in the dada2 practical.

Define where the previous practical outputs are located:

input_dir <- here::here("outputs", "dada2", "asv_table")

Import the ASV table:

asv_table <- read.table(file = file.path(input_dir, "asv_table.tsv"),
                        header = TRUE,
                        sep = "\t",
                        row.names = 1)

the results of the taxonomic assignment:

taxonomy <- read.table(file = file.path(input_dir, "taxonomy.tsv"),
                        header = TRUE,
                        sep = "\t",
                        row.names = 1)

and the ASV sequences:

asv_seq <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(
  filepath = file.path(input_dir, "asv.fasta"),
  format = "fasta"

We will also need some information about the samples, the file is located is another folder.

context <- read.table(here::here("data",
                      header = TRUE,
                      row.names = 1)

2 Get a phyloseq object

2.1 Check sample file

Make sure sample names in the ASV table…

colnames(asv_table) |> sort()
 [1] "S11B" "S1B"  "S2B"  "S2S"  "S3B"  "S3S"  "S4B"  "S4S"  "S5B"  "S5S" 
[11] "S6B"  "S6S"  "S7B"  "S7S"  "S8B"  "S8S"  "S9B"  "S9S" 

match sample table ids.

row.names(context) |> sort()
 [1] "S11B" "S1B"  "S2B"  "S2S"  "S3B"  "S3S"  "S4B"  "S4S"  "S5B"  "S5S" 
[11] "S6B"  "S6S"  "S7B"  "S7S"  "S8B"  "S8S"  "S9B"  "S9S" 

You can do it in a more formal way using the function setdiff(). This function returns the elements of x not present in y.

setdiff(x = colnames(asv_table),
        y = row.names(context))

Perfect! The ASV table sample names match with the contextual data table.

2.2 Assemble ASV table, taxonomy and contextual data

Use the phyloseq::phyloseq() function to create a phyloseq object. A phyloseq object is usualy composed by an ASV table, a taxonomy table and a table describing the samples. You can also add ASV sequences and a phylogenetic tree

physeq <- phyloseq::phyloseq(
  phyloseq::otu_table(asv_table, taxa_are_rows = TRUE),

3 Add a phylogenetic tree

3.1 Why?

Knowing the ASVs phylogenetic relatedness will help you to have a better understanding of the communities your studying.

To quote the evolutionary biologist Theodosius Dobzhansky:

Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution.

A phylogenetic tree reconstructed from the ASV sequences will be used to measure their relatedness.

3.2 Alignment using DECIPHER

Before reconstructing a phylogenetic tree we need to align the ASVs sequences.

aln <- refseq(physeq) |>
  DECIPHER::AlignSeqs(anchor = NA)

Once it is done, you can visualise the alignment using the function DECIPHER::BrowseSeqs()

DECIPHER::BrowseSeqs(aln, highlight = 0)

3.3 Infering the phylogenetic tree

We will infer a phylogenetic from our alignement using the library phangorn.

First, let’s convert our DNAStringSet alignment to the phangorn phyDat format.

phang_align <- as.matrix(aln) |> phangorn::phyDat(type = "DNA")

Then, we compute pairwise distances of our aligned sequences using equal base frequencies (JC69 model used by default).

dm <-, model = "JC69")

Finally, we reconstruct a neighbour joining tree.

treeNJ <- phangorn::NJ(dm)

Other approaches to reconstruct a phylogenetic tree exist. If you want to try them with phangorn, have a look here

We need the tree to be rooted for future analysis. We can do that using the function phangorn::midpoint()

treeNJ <- phangorn::midpoint(tree = treeNJ)

Once we have a rooted tree, we can add it to the phyloseq object.

physeq <- phyloseq::merge_phyloseq(physeq,treeNJ)

3.4 If I do not have a tree

For some reasons, it is sometimes not relevant or not possible to infer a tree from our data.

For example, the metabarcode you are using is not carrying enough phylogenetic information to reconstruct a tree.

Or you have so many ASVs that infering a tree would require more computational ressource that what you can afford.

In that case, it is fine. You will still be able to perform most of the analyses introduced in the alpha and beta diversity practicals.

4 Extract information from a phyloseq object

Here a list of phyloseq functions to extract diverse information from your phyloseq object.

  • Get the total number of ASVs
[1] 160
  • Get the total number of samples
[1] 18
  • Get sample names
 [1] "S11B" "S1B"  "S2B"  "S2S"  "S3B"  "S3S"  "S4B"  "S4S"  "S5B"  "S5S" 
[11] "S6B"  "S6S"  "S7B"  "S7S"  "S8B"  "S8S"  "S9B"  "S9S" 
  • Get ASV identification
phyloseq::taxa_names(physeq) |> head()
[1] "ASV_001" "ASV_002" "ASV_003" "ASV_004" "ASV_005" "ASV_006"
  • Get the names of variables in sam_data
 [1] "Geo"         "Description" "groupe"      "Pres"        "PicoEuk"    
 [6] "Synec"       "Prochloro"   "NanoEuk"     "Crypto"      "SiOH4"      
[11] "NO2"         "NO3"         "NH4"         "PO4"         "NT"         
[16] "PT"          "Chla"        "T"           "S"           "Sigma_t"    
  • Display all variables with values
       Geo Description groupe Pres PicoEuk Synec Prochloro NanoEuk Crypto SiOH4
S11B South     South5B    SGF   35    5370 46830       580    6010   1690 3.324
S1B  North     North1B    NBF   52     660 32195     10675     955    115 1.813
S2B  North     North2B    NBF   59     890 25480     16595     670    395 2.592
S2S  North     North2S    NBS    0     890 25480     16595     670    395 3.381
S3B  North     North3B    NBF   74     835 13340     25115    1115    165 1.438
S3S  North     North3S    NBS    0     715 26725     16860     890    200 1.656
S4B  North     North4B    NBF   78    2220  3130     29835    2120    235 2.457
S4S  North     North4S    NBS   78    2220  3130     29835    2120    235 2.457
S5B  North     North5B    NBF   42    1620 55780     23795    2555   1355 2.028
S5S  North     North5S    NBS    0    1620 56555     22835    2560    945 2.669
S6B  South     South1B    SGF   13    2520 39050       705    3630   1295 2.206
S6S  South     South1S    SGS    0    2435 35890       915    3735   1300 3.004
S7B  South     South2B    SGF   26       0     0         0    4005   1600 3.016
S7S  South     South2S    SGS    0    4535 26545      1340    6585   1355 1.198
S8B  South     South3B    SGF   33       0     0         0    5910   1590 3.868
S8S  South     South3S    SGS    0    4260 36745       985    5470   2265 3.639
S9B  South     South4B    SGF   25    4000 31730       485    4395   1180 3.910
S9S  South     South4S    SGS    0    5465 32860       820    5045   1545 3.607
       NO2   NO3   NH4   PO4    NT    PT   Chla       T       S Sigma_t
S11B 0.083 0.756 0.467 0.115 9.539 4.138 0.0182 23.0308 38.9967 26.9631
S1B  0.256 0.889 0.324 0.132 9.946 3.565 0.0000 22.7338 37.6204 26.0046
S2B  0.105 1.125 0.328 0.067 9.378 3.391 0.0000 22.6824 37.6627 26.0521
S2S  0.231 0.706 0.450 0.109 8.817 3.345 0.0000 22.6854 37.6176 26.0137
S3B  0.057 1.159 0.369 0.174 8.989 2.568 0.0000 21.5296 37.5549 26.2987
S3S  0.098 0.794 0.367 0.095 7.847 2.520 0.0000 22.5610 37.5960 26.0332
S4B  0.099 1.087 0.349 0.137 8.689 3.129 0.0000 18.8515 37.4542 26.9415
S4S  0.099 1.087 0.349 0.137 8.689 3.129 0.0000 18.8515 37.4542 26.9415
S5B  0.103 1.135 0.216 0.128 8.623 3.137 0.0102 24.1905 38.3192 26.1037
S5S  0.136 0.785 0.267 0.114 9.146 3.062 0.0000 24.1789 38.3213 26.1065
S6B  0.249 0.768 0.629 0.236 9.013 3.455 0.0000 22.0197 39.0877 27.3241
S6S  0.251 0.927 0.653 0.266 8.776 3.230 0.0134 22.0515 39.0884 27.3151
S7B  0.157 0.895 0.491 0.176 8.968 4.116 0.0000 23.6669 38.9699 26.7536
S7S  0.165 1.099 0.432 0.180 8.256 3.182 0.0000 23.6814 38.9708 26.7488
S8B  0.253 0.567 0.533 0.169 8.395 3.126 0.0000 23.1236 39.0054 26.9423
S8S  0.255 0.658 0.665 0.247 8.991 3.843 0.0132 23.3147 38.9885 26.8713
S9B  0.107 0.672 0.490 0.134 8.954 4.042 0.0172 22.6306 38.9094 27.0131
S9S  0.139 0.644 0.373 0.167 9.817 3.689 0.0062 22.9545 38.7777 26.8172
  • Sum the reads by sample
S11B  S1B  S2B  S2S  S3B  S3S  S4B  S4S  S5B  S5S  S6B  S6S  S7B  S7S  S8B  S8S 
 879  835  783  929  786  904  808 1050  905  896  970  900  823  852  842  849 
 S9B  S9S 
 787  873 
  • Sum the reads by species/taxa/OTUs (for all samples)
phyloseq::taxa_sums(physeq) |> head()
ASV_001 ASV_002 ASV_003 ASV_004 ASV_005 ASV_006 
   1528     958     896     803     681     640 
  • Sort species/taxa/OTUs by number of reads
phyloseq::taxa_sums(physeq) |>
  sort(decreasing = TRUE) |>
ASV_001 ASV_002 ASV_003 ASV_004 ASV_005 ASV_006 
   1528     958     896     803     681     640 
  • Get taxonomic ranks (useful for other commands)
[1] "Kingdom" "Phylum"  "Class"   "Order"   "Family"  "Genus"   "Species"
  • Show abundance of a given ASV
phyloseq::get_sample(physeq, i = "ASV_001")
S11B  S1B  S2B  S2S  S3B  S3S  S4B  S4S  S5B  S5S  S6B  S6S  S7B  S7S  S8B  S8S 
 111   60   45  104   60   78   13   66  180  178  155   70   48   79   52   67 
 S9B  S9S 
  74   88 
  • Show ASVs and abundance for a given sample
phyloseq::get_taxa(physeq, i = "S2B") |> head()
ASV_001 ASV_002 ASV_003 ASV_004 ASV_005 ASV_006 
     45      52       0       0       0       0 
  • Get phyla detected in your samples
phyloseq::get_taxa_unique(physeq, taxonomic.rank = "Phylum")
 [1] "Cyanobacteria"                 "Proteobacteria"               
 [3] "Thermoplasmatota"              "Actinobacteriota"             
 [5] "Bacteroidota"                  "Dadabacteria"                 
 [7] "SAR324 clade(Marine group B)"  "Chloroflexi"                  
 [9] "Verrucomicrobiota"             "Marinimicrobia (SAR406 clade)"
[11] "Desulfobacterota"             

If you do not remember the name of the taxonomic ranks in your phyloseq object use phyloseq::rank_names(physeq)

  • Number of ASVs per phylum
table(phyloseq::tax_table(physeq)[, "Phylum"])

             Actinobacteriota                  Bacteroidota 
                           14                            11 
                  Chloroflexi                 Cyanobacteria 
                            2                             9 
                 Dadabacteria              Desulfobacterota 
                            2                             1 
Marinimicrobia (SAR406 clade)                Proteobacteria 
                            8                            87 
 SAR324 clade(Marine group B)              Thermoplasmatota 
                            2                            20 

You can also plot a barchart to visualise the results.

plot_bar(physeq, fill = "Phylum")

More about plots in the alpha and beta diversity practicals.