
ANR MetaBioDiv


The Action Nationale de Formation CNRS-INSU MetaBioDiv, led by the Mediterranean Institut of Oceanography (Armougom F., MIO) and the Délégation Régionale Côte d’Azur CNRS (DR20, Pierrette Finsac), offers to the scientific community a formation to learn how to characterize microbial ecosystems biodiversity with R analysing data from high-throughput Illumina (Miseq) sequencing.


L’Action Nationale de Formation CNRS-INSU MetaBioDiv, portée par l’Institut Méditerranéen d’Océanologie (Armougom F., MIO) et la Délégation Régionale Côte d’Azur CNRS (DR20, Pierrette Finsac), propose à la communauté scientifique une formation sur la caractérisation de la biodiversité taxonomique d’écosystèmes (procaryotes et micro-eucaryotes) par le prisme du séquençage haut-débit Illumina (Miseq) et du traitement bio-informatique associé (outils R sous Rstudio).

Organisation committee and intervenants

Fabrice Armougom, MIO, Marseille

Jean-Christophe Auguet, Marbec, Montpellier

Erwan Corre, ABiMS, Station Biologique de Roscoff

Marc Garel, MIO, Marseille

Nicolas Henry, ABiMS & FR2022 Tara GOSEE, Station Biologique de Roscoff

Pauline Lecoq, MIO, Marseille

Lois Maignien, BEEP, Université de Brest


Plateforme OMICS, MIO, Marseille

Société Française de Bio-Informatique

Institut Français de Bioinformatique

Thanks the French Institute of Bioinformatics – IFB CNRS UAR3601 – for providing life science data and tools, storage and computing resources.


ABiMS beep marbec MIO

IFB Tara Océan


Libraries used in this course

renv::dependencies() |> 
    dplyr::pull(Package) |>
    unique() |>
Finding R package dependencies ... [132/165] [133/165] [134/165] [135/165] [136/165] [137/165] [138/165] [139/165] [140/165] [141/165] [142/165] [143/165] [144/165] [145/165] [146/165] [147/165] [148/165] [149/165] [150/165] [151/165] [152/165] [153/165] [154/165] [155/165] [156/165] [157/165] [158/165] [159/165] [160/165] [161/165] [162/165] [163/165] [164/165] [165/165] Done!
 [1] "ANCOMBC"           "ape"               "base"             
 [4] "betapart"          "Biostrings"        "bootstrap"        
 [7] "colorspace"        "ComplexHeatmap"    "corrplot"         
[10] "dada2"             "DECIPHER"          "devtools"         
[13] "dplyr"             "ecodist"           "fpc"              
[16] "FSA"               "ggplot2"           "ggpmisc"          
[19] "ggpubr"            "ggrepel"           "graphics"         
[22] "grDevices"         "grid"              "gridExtra"        
[25] "GUniFrac"          "here"              "kableExtra"       
[28] "knitr"             "microbiome"        "microbiomeMarker" 
[31] "MicrobiotaProcess" "modEvA"            "NbClust"          
[34] "parallel"          "patchwork"         "PCAtools"         
[37] "phangorn"          "phyloseq"          "plotly"           
[40] "plyr"              "RColorBrewer"      "renv"             
[43] "rmarkdown"         "scales"            "stats"            
[46] "tidyverse"         "treemap"           "treemapify"       
[49] "vegan"             "zCompositions"